The Business Accessibility Toolkit

Practical Business to Business (B2B) Solutions

Image Description: A collage from left to right: President Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting in his wheelchair holding a black dog and a young girl standing beside him petting the dog. Michael J. Fox standing behind a podium. Michael Whitehead in his Wheelchair Rugby Team Canada uniform holding a rugby ball in his right hand. Stephen Hawking in his wheelchair in front of notes on a blackboard, Maya Angelou standing with a cane behind a microphone. Andrea Bocelli reaching for a microphone. Helen Keller touching the lips of Anne Sullivan as she speaks to her.

Image Description: A collage from left to right: President Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting in his wheelchair holding a black dog and a young girl standing beside him petting the dog. Michael J. Fox standing behind a podium. Michael Whitehead in his Wheelchair Rugby Team Canada uniform holding a rugby ball in his right hand. Stephen Hawking in his wheelchair in front of notes on a blackboard, Maya Angelou standing with a cane behind a microphone. Andrea Bocelli reaching for a microphone. Helen Keller touching the lips of Anne Sullivan as she speaks to her.

Countdown to Required Compliance

Avoid Fines and Litigation

Attention: Business Owners and HR Decision Makers

  • The deadline to have evidence of accessibility policy and compliance in Ontario is January 1st, 2025, according to AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act).

  • It is a fact that effective Accessibility Training for Customer Service and Employment Management will increase revenue opportunities.

  • To date, government provided accessibility resources are not enough. Businesses have requested resources that prepare them for compliance and to leverage opportunities for profit.

  • The Business Accessibility Toolkit, based on lived experience, is a “How To” course to provide practical Customer Service and effective Employment Management.

A Life Worth Living Business Accessibility Toolkit (BAT) Logo

Attention Business Owners and Managers:

Do you have customers?

Do you have a website?

Do you have employees?

Answered YES to any of these questions?

Annual AODA Training is the Law!

Dean LaBute, AODA Consultant

The Legislation:

Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) section 7, businesses are required to train persons including 1 or more, paid or unpaid, employee(s), board members, management, and contractors on:

The Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.

Customer Service.
• The requirements of the regulations that apply to trainee's role.

Vicki Mayer, Ex. Dir, ATN Access

Your Business:

Employers across the province have a legislated mandate to train their teams on AODA Standards, develop accessibility policies and multi-year plans, and make information and websites disability accessible.

You can be subject to litigation or fines if you do not take action!

Kyle Horner, Producer AM 800

The Gap:

According to the 2014 and 2019 Legislative Reviews, business owners reported that the tools and resources available today to support businesses with these requirements are fragmented and lack comprehensive details on implementing outcomes to enable the best experience for everyone, regardless of abilities.

Mark Wafer: Successful Entrepreneur

The Product:

  • eLearning Platform

  • For management, staff, board members, volunteers and contract services

  • Combines visual, audio, text and video content

  • Modules can stand alone as or taken in their entirety

  • Practical everyday business solutions

A Life Worth Living Business Accessibility Tookit (BAT) Logo
Example of the Business Accessibility Toolkit screen  (BAT)

BAT Lesson Screen Example

The Modules of BAT:

  • BAT General Requirements

  • Customer Service

  • Information and Communications

  • Employment

BAT Courses

BAT General Requirements


Who should take this course?

Owners, Management, Leadership, Directors, Board members, and anyone else who develops policies and plans for your business.

Why should I take this course?

To increase your market share, removing barriers allows more disabled people the ability to participate as a customer, employee, or volunteer in your workplace.

Topics Include:

Accessibility Training

Accessibility Statements

Accessibility Policies

Customer Service


Who should take this course?

For every person who interacts with the public or 3rd parties as a representative of your business who provide goods and services – sales people, receptionists, servers, security guards, cleaning staff.

Why should I take this course?

To open your doors to more customers, including those with disabilities, so everyone can benefit from the products and services your business offers.

Topics Include:

Assisting your disabled customer

Communicating with Assistive Devices

Service Animal Regulations

Information and Communications


Who should take this course?

Employees whose duties and responsibilities involve communicating with, giving information to, or receiving information from customers, volunteers, or the public.

Why should I take this course?

Everyone, including people with disabilities, can not only access your print and digital information, but the experience is engaging and satisfying.

Topics Include:

Principles of Accessible Design

Accessible Formats

Pitfalls in Accessibility



Who should take this course?

For employees involved in any aspect of the employment cycle, including recruiting, hiring, retaining, and exiting.

Why should I take this course?

Recruiting people with disabilities improves your business culture, ensures your workforce better represents your market, and drives innovation.

Topics Include:

Proactive Interviewing

Workplace Inclusion Plans

Facilitating Return to Work

BAT courses subsidized by:

Grossi Construcion
Carlesimo Steel
St. Clair College
Zekelman Foundation
Nature Fresh Farms
South Essex Fabricating
Motor City Community Credit Union
Precision Broach Machine
Windsor Family Credit Union
Integrity Tool and Mold

BMR Windsor

MCO Partner

Sun Life

Dr. Fouad Tayfour Charitable Foundation

Mega Mold International

Sunwing Structures

Essex & District Lions Club

Mousseau, Deluca, McPherson, Prince LLP

TD Wealth Management

200-880 E.C. Row N Service Rd, Windsor ON N8X 3J5



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